Friday 17 October 2008


Its a GIRL.
Today I went for another ultra sound , and they could finally see what it was .
I'm so happy about it , Alisha is going to have a little sister . Even though I wanted a boy at the beginning, this last month every time I would pray for the baby I would get a very strong feeling that it was a girl, so today was just a confirmation . The baby is doing super good , strong and healthy . Keep me in your prayers .

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Tuesday 7 October 2008

School Activities

Here are a couple of there school activities which they enjoy doing. Such smart girls , they just love learning and are great fun .

So Beautiful

Sunday 5 October 2008

At the park

Such cute little angels
Here I am getting bigger by the day ,6 months PG .

Friday 3 October 2008

Parent Day

Went to the park with her cousins to feed the ducks . She really likes being with Kiara and Liana they have loads of fun together.

Thursday 2 October 2008

Here is some more summer pics taken in the month of July when we went on a camping trip to Malaga , Alishas first and she just loved it . Sorry for the delay in posting these pics. Better late then never . Hope you enjoy

Summer Pics

Im back tracking a little once agian , here are some summer pics of August . Ive been so busy and didnt get around to posting anything this past summer. Alisha just loveesss the water and is an excellent swimmer. Enjoy the pics .