Friday 17 October 2008


Its a GIRL.
Today I went for another ultra sound , and they could finally see what it was .
I'm so happy about it , Alisha is going to have a little sister . Even though I wanted a boy at the beginning, this last month every time I would pray for the baby I would get a very strong feeling that it was a girl, so today was just a confirmation . The baby is doing super good , strong and healthy . Keep me in your prayers .


Marie said...

awww...that's so cool..a little sister..she's gonna be so happy. What u gonna name her...any ideas??

Lisa said...

hi there Desi, you look so pretty...I'm Lisa of Daniele(in case you were wondering)...are you guys living in Spain now?
love you, catch you soon

Faye said...

awwww so cute, girl's are the best! hehe.. I'm so happy for u! All the baby girls are being born now, so funny! Well luv u, take care of urself & the baby! Ciao