Monday 16 November 2009


Heres some pictures of the girls playing at the park near our house,its hard to get them both looking at the camera at the same time ha.
Alishas got such beautiful eyes.

My baby growing up so fast.

Yaiza really enjoys going down the slide ,its her favorite.

My baby is 11 months today , such a cutie . I know I haven't written much about her so here is just a little something.
I cant complain she is such a good baby , so happy and peaceful she just enjoys being in her own world , whenever I try reading a book with her or teaching her something she just turns around and takes another book or just gives me her back ha but don't get my wrong she loves books especially the "touch and feel" ones. She still says her same 2 words since months back "mama" and papa"(that's whats really important anyways ha)
She has to taste everything she sees but is starting to get the point and takes things out of her mouth when she sees mommy coming ha.
She loves music and dancing around,if she is waring a dress she will pick up and dance in circles.
Just hope this good stage lasts once she turns a year,usually that's the breaking point for peaceful babies ha . Either way she is an absolute Angel
As you can see she loves ignoring mommy when I'm trying to do something with her or take pics of her she always looks somewhere else ha.

Wednesday 11 November 2009


Alisha came up with most of these words on her own. Her new thing is getting letters and putting words together . She really enjoys it .

Sunday 8 November 2009

Alisha reading

Here are some short video clips of Alisha reading, she has a hard time concentrating for very long but she does very well .

This is the first time she is reading these phonetic words.

Here she is sight reading "Peter and Jane",its also her first time reading this page.

Monday 2 November 2009

Sierra Nevada

Yep no snow yet but still beautiful . Another Sunday trip out in nature, enjoying the nice weather while it lasts.

Yaiza having a great time on daddy's shoulders and daddy trying not to scream as she pulls his hair ha.

Alisha wanted to climb the hill all by herself .